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Category: Update

Change of schedule on 10th

Change (moved from 8th)

E. S. Afreh & H. A. Kyeremeh. Metaphors of Formal learning, education and knowledge among ghanaian students: The Case of Knust. 9:00-9:25, room #204.


L. Lu. A Cognitive Study of Deadjectival Nominalization as Shell Nouns in German Language based on German News Corpus. 11:15-11:40, room #104.

Y-T. Lin. Causality in Cognition and Language in Taiwanese Southern Min. 9:30-9:55, room #105.

Change of schedule on the 9th

Change (Moved from the 7th)

A. Alshehri. Use and Understanding of Intrinsic Frames of Reference. 13:45-14:10, room #104.

L. Masson-Collin. Motion events across languages: a parallel-corpus investigation of English, French and Japanese spatial expressions. 13:45-14:10, room # 104, read by Eva Soroli.

Change (Moved from the 8th)

V. Zabotkina. Cognitive mechanisms of linguistic creativity. 16:30-16:55, room #206.


H. Sarvasy, A. Tuninetti, C. Kung, and P. Escudero. EEG in PNG: A report on the neurolinguistics of clause chain processing. 15:30-15:55, room #208. The following presentation and discussions start 30 minutes earlier.

Change of schedule on the 8th


M. J. Serrano. The cognitive basis of desubjectivizing constructions: The use of the periphrases haber/tener que + infinitive in Spanish. 13:15-13:40, #208.

M. Vokáčová & E. Lehečková. Logical metonymy constructions in Czech and Dutch (Poster T17)

R. Kim. Effects of L1 Typology to Performance of L2 Statistical Preemption: Korean EFL learners reject ‘The lifeguard swam the boy to the shore’ more strongly than Chinese EFL Learners (Poster T20)

M. Liu & Zh. Wang. A Relevance-Theoretic Approach to Mistranslation. (Poster T 33)



E. S. Afreh & H. A. Kyeremeh. Metaphors of Formal learning, education and knowledge among ghanaian students: The Case of Knust. From 11:20-11:45, Aug 8th, room #204 to 9:00-9:25, Aug 10th, room #204.

V. Zabotkina. Cognitive mechanisms of linguistic creativity. From 10:50-11:15, Aug 8th, 200m #108, to 16:30-16:55 Aug 9, room #206.

Change of schedule on the 7th


Cornelia Müller. A recurrent gesture in multimodal stance-stacking: the “Negative-Assessment Construction”. 14:45-15:10, room #101.


Ali Alshehri. Use and Understanding of Intrinsic Frames of Reference. From 14:15-14:40, Aug 7th, room #105, to 13:15-13:40, Aug 9th, room #104.

Changes of schedule on the 6th


Hongxia Jia. Exploring the Cognitive Mechanisms of Psych Causative Alternation Verbs in Mandarin Chinese: A Corpus-based Approach. 17:25, room #105

Daniel C. Strack. Contemporaneous embodied experience influences metaphor comprehension. 17:25, room #205


T. Zhang & J. Zhan. A cognitive approach to metaphors and metonymies: A case of the emotion “xǐ” (HAPPINESS)in Chinese, moved from 16:50, Aug 6, room #205 to 14:15, Aug. 7, room #204.

ICLC 15 will begin on Aug 6th

We are expecting you all on Aug 6th at registration desks at the Central Auditorium of Kwansei Gakuin University. The registration will start around 11:45.

This website has much information about the conference and the transportation from KIX to your hotel or from your hotel to the venue. Explore the sites from the tabs on the right side of this page.

On Aug 6th, look for these T-shirts in stations, bus stops, and entrance to Kwansei Gakuin. They are ready to help you.