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Author: Takahiro Morita

Change of schedule on 10th

Change (moved from 8th)

E. S. Afreh & H. A. Kyeremeh. Metaphors of Formal learning, education and knowledge among ghanaian students: The Case of Knust. 9:00-9:25, room #204.


L. Lu. A Cognitive Study of Deadjectival Nominalization as Shell Nouns in German Language based on German News Corpus. 11:15-11:40, room #104.

Y-T. Lin. Causality in Cognition and Language in Taiwanese Southern Min. 9:30-9:55, room #105.

Change of schedule on the 9th

Change (Moved from the 7th)

A. Alshehri. Use and Understanding of Intrinsic Frames of Reference. 13:45-14:10, room #104.

L. Masson-Collin. Motion events across languages: a parallel-corpus investigation of English, French and Japanese spatial expressions. 13:45-14:10, room # 104, read by Eva Soroli.

Change (Moved from the 8th)

V. Zabotkina. Cognitive mechanisms of linguistic creativity. 16:30-16:55, room #206.


H. Sarvasy, A. Tuninetti, C. Kung, and P. Escudero. EEG in PNG: A report on the neurolinguistics of clause chain processing. 15:30-15:55, room #208. The following presentation and discussions start 30 minutes earlier.

Change of schedule on the 8th


M. J. Serrano. The cognitive basis of desubjectivizing constructions: The use of the periphrases haber/tener que + infinitive in Spanish. 13:15-13:40, #208.

M. Vokáčová & E. Lehečková. Logical metonymy constructions in Czech and Dutch (Poster T17)

R. Kim. Effects of L1 Typology to Performance of L2 Statistical Preemption: Korean EFL learners reject ‘The lifeguard swam the boy to the shore’ more strongly than Chinese EFL Learners (Poster T20)

M. Liu & Zh. Wang. A Relevance-Theoretic Approach to Mistranslation. (Poster T 33)



E. S. Afreh & H. A. Kyeremeh. Metaphors of Formal learning, education and knowledge among ghanaian students: The Case of Knust. From 11:20-11:45, Aug 8th, room #204 to 9:00-9:25, Aug 10th, room #204.

V. Zabotkina. Cognitive mechanisms of linguistic creativity. From 10:50-11:15, Aug 8th, 200m #108, to 16:30-16:55 Aug 9, room #206.

Change of schedule on the 7th


Cornelia Müller. A recurrent gesture in multimodal stance-stacking: the “Negative-Assessment Construction”. 14:45-15:10, room #101.


Ali Alshehri. Use and Understanding of Intrinsic Frames of Reference. From 14:15-14:40, Aug 7th, room #105, to 13:15-13:40, Aug 9th, room #104.

Changes of schedule on the 6th


Hongxia Jia. Exploring the Cognitive Mechanisms of Psych Causative Alternation Verbs in Mandarin Chinese: A Corpus-based Approach. 17:25, room #105

Daniel C. Strack. Contemporaneous embodied experience influences metaphor comprehension. 17:25, room #205


T. Zhang & J. Zhan. A cognitive approach to metaphors and metonymies: A case of the emotion “xǐ” (HAPPINESS)in Chinese, moved from 16:50, Aug 6, room #205 to 14:15, Aug. 7, room #204.